12 March 2009

February Recap

I’ve kinda neglected to add any updates the past month. So here’s the February Recap…

It’s really pathetic to admit this – but this winter I was so busy and broke I didn’t go snowboarding once. Which is pathetic, considering there’s 4 resorts within 20 minutes of my house. Next winter I’ll rectify that. Or maybe I’ll just disappear to somewhere with sun for four months and work remote instead — anyone have a guest house and internet access?

I did get in my share of snowshoeing though (and tubing...and sledding...and just general snow frolicking). I’m absolutely addicted. With Grant and Jenna. on a full moon with peppermint schnapps, with Leah and Northern California boys, in the High Uintas, in the freezing cold and on sunny days, with Dustin, more Cali peoples and Mike, sledding with the Sandy kids… And of course, everytime with Maddie.

Anytime any of you far away friends friends want to come up - this is the beautiful stuff you have in store. There’s few things as awesome as being far off in the mountains when everything’s powder white. Here’s some pics, and more pics.

Great Friends
Great times at the Keithly’s with Melissa’s delicious cooking the ever entertaining little Noah and Zooey! Here’s the little man as Ironman…
Im a Rock Star from Todd Anderson on Vimeo.

Kilby Court
The always inspiring Jason Anderson payed Kilby Court a visit. Kyler and Jasmine convinced me to check this guy out on his last tour through town and now I’m hooked. The best way to describe a Jason Anderson show is lik a giant group hug for indie kids. Julie and I talked to him for a sec after the show and placed the Teach book… he even emailed me with a thank you (I’m still typing up my RV email back).

Here’s some pics and a little snippet of Jason’s infectious enthusiasm.

Jason Anderson @ Kilby Court from Todd Anderson on Vimeo.

Goodbye Grant

So my roomie Grant is on to the next big adventure. It was great to have him up here for the season and I wish my friend the best in his year of travels to come! He came up to auxilery for a couple months and it was a blast to have him around. For his last weekend in town I took him and his Nor Cal buddy down to one of my favorite spots (Moab/Canyonlands) for a quick Southern Utah roadtrip. Nothing better to clear your head and have some guaranteed fun than heading three hours south of Salt Lake to explore some of the most beautiful country you’ve ever seen. We went from four wheeling in Red rocks along the Colorado River Saturday, and crossed a 12,000 foot mountain divide on Sunday and a checked out kite boarding competition.

Fourwheeling on Saturday

Snow-wheeling on Sunday

So that’s my February…

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