19 May 2009

city of rocks.

Three carloads, five tents, six dogs, nine friend, two unbelievably talented lead climbers , one eight year old who will humble anyone attempting a 5.9, one little super hero, lots of sunscreen, yards of rope, chalked hands, bloody knees, close calls, great food, real beer, naps on rocks, three hundred and fourteen photos... and a city of rocks.

The friends
jimmy | melissa | todd | jenna | toby | britten | garrett | erin | dustin

The superhero
| noah

The toughest 8 year old you'll ever meet | zoey

the beasts
mazzie | frodo | maddie | colette | lucy | lexington

Here's to a great weekend with awesome friends! see all the shots here
(click on the pics below to see them big)

jimmy | putting us all to shame

melissa |putting the rest of us further into shame

jimmy and melissa

me | climbing owl rock | yup, that tiny white dot four stories up is me


toby and britten

britten | we were all beat after climbing for two days!

garrett | belaying erin


dustin | nice shades

noah |trouble

zoey | double trouble

mazzie | on the hunt for lizzards

frodo | duhhhh

maddie and colette | on the lookout


lexington | babysitting

the campsite

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