25 September 2011

oh! how, pinteresting.

I've only been on Pinterest for two weeks but it's already got my creativity flowing. It's inspired me and caused me to consistently stay up past my bedtime.

How many of you have files on your computer of images you've saved off the internet? I have more inspiration folders than I can keep track of: design, interiors, photography, art, typography... These files are helpful but I don't have a way to keep track of where I got the images from - which would come in handy if I share them in the form of an inspiration board and wanted to give credit OR if I wanted to look back at the original site to learn more or research sources. Enter Pinterest.

Pinterest requires you to either be invited by a current user or to sign up on a waiting list before you can register and start pinning. Current users can invite a maximum of 6 people but the waiting list isn't too long - only about a week or so. If you need an invitation, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll invite the first few people who express interest.

If you want to come check out my inspiration boards I am here. ....and if you are on Pinterest too let me know! I'd love to see what kinds of inspiring things you like.  let's get inspired.

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